Blue School - Independent Private School in Manhattan

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Lift Off

From Allison Gaines Pell, Head of School

In the year 2000, I completed a year at Harvard’s Graduate School of Education. When I arrived there in the fall, I felt powerfully alive, more so than I ever had (and I am among the lucky who treasured every moment of my education prior to that). I connected with amazing colleagues who I am still in touch with (and who have gone on to a variety of roles changing education nationally), found my calling, vocation and passion, and felt like I’d died and gone to a heaven just for those who want to talk about everything I do all day and night long. There is much I could say about the experience, and I use what I learned there almost every day, but I wanted to share this video from the weekend’s convocation address. In these five minutes, it forcefully reminds me of the power of educators to improve, change, and infect the world with their inspiration and words. Please take the time to listen and watch (or if you’d rather, just read the words printed there). Dominic Livingston (HGSE ‘16) is one to watch.

-- Allison

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